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DVSS 2021-009
Number of Marriages…  There were 4,210 registered marriages in Quezon for the year 2020 showing a decrease of 54.9 percent from the previous year’s total of 9,342. On the average, about 12 marriages occurred per day in 2020. Marriages by Place of Occurrence… Lucena City (544 or 12.9 percent) had the highest number of registered marriages during the year. Jomalig recorded the least number of marriages with 2 or 0.05 percent. Marriages by Month of Occurrence… January was the most favored month to marry, with a total of 1,014 marriages. It registered the highest daily average of 33 marriages with an index of 275. February had the next highest number of marriages with 709, or a daily average of 24 and an index of 200. April recorded the least number of marriages with 8. Marriages by Nationality of Groom and Bride… There were 33 marriages with foreign nationals that occurred in the province. The number of marriages with foreign nationals was higher for brides (27) than grooms (6).

MARRIAGE STATISTICS IN QUEZON: October 2023 (Preliminary Results)

There were 563 marriages registered in Quezon in October 2023. It recorded an increase of 0.9 percent from the previous month’s total of 558.

DVSS Special Release - July 2023, Batangas Province (Preliminary Results)

The data presented herein are based on the documents submitted by the local civil registrars of the province and consists of timely and delayed registrations received during the month.