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All Provinces and HUC in CALABARZON Record Economic Growths in 2023; Laguna, Cavite, and Batangas – Philippine’s Top Three Provincial Economies

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2025-0400-SR12

All provinces and Highly Urbanized City (HUC) in CALABARZON posted economic growths in 2023 from their levels in 2022 with City of Lucena recording the fastest growth of 8.9 percent. The City of Lucena, Cavite, Rizal, and Quezon recorded faster growths than the 5.2 percent growth rate of the region in 2023. (Figure 1)

Of the PhP 3.10 trillion value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of CALABARZON in 2023, Laguna had the biggest share of 33.3 percent. Cavite and Batangas followed with 25.2 percent and 20.9 percent shares, respectively. On the other hand, the City of Lucena had the least share of 1.6 percent. (Figure 2)

In terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) of Agriculture, forestry, and fishing (AFF) in CALABARZON, Batangas had the largest share, accounting to 36.9 percent of the region’s GVA of AFF. It was followed by the province of Quezon, with a share of 32.6 percent. While Laguna ranked third, accounting for 11.2 percent share. (Table 1)

The total GVA of the region’s Industry in 2023 was estimated at PhP 1.53 trillion. Laguna had the largest share of 40.3 percent. Cavite and Batangas ranked second and third, with shares accounting for 24.3 percent and 23.0 percent, respectively. (Table 1)

Furthermore, of the PhP 1.42 trillion total GVA of Services in the region, Laguna posted the largest share of 27.8 percent. Cavite closely followed with a 27.6 percent share. While Rizal had the third largest share of 17.1 percent of the total. (Table 1)

The per capita GDP of a province/HUC is expressed as the ratio of total GDP of the province/HUC over the total population in the province/HUC. Among the provinces and HUC in CALABARZON, Laguna recorded the highest per capita GDP, valued at PhP 294,388 in 2023. It was followed by Batangas, with a per capita GDP of PhP 197,984. Both Laguna and Batangas had values of per capita GDP higher than the per capita GDP of CALABARZON which is estimated at Php 182,731. On the other hand, Cavite, City of Lucena, Quezon, and Rizal recorded lower per capita GDP compared to the per capita GDP of CALABARZON. Rizal had the lowest per capita GDP at PhP 106,773. (Figure 3)

Meanwhile, the per capita GDP of the City of Lucena was at PhP 171,426, posting the fastest growth of 7.7 percent in 2023.  It was followed by Cavite, which grew by 4.6 percent, from PhP 166,369 in 2022 to PhP 174,060 in 2023. (Figure 3)

In terms of share to the national GDP, Laguna, Cavite, and Batangas ranked third, fifth, and sixth among the 82 provinces and 33 HUCs in the country, respectively. Quezon City had the largest share at 6.0 percent. (Figure 4)

Furthermore, among the 82 provinces in the country, Laguna, Cavite, and Batangas remained as the top three biggest economies in 2023. Laguna’s economic value reached PhP 1.03 trillion, making it the only province to surpass the trillion-peso GDP mark in that year. Additionally, the province of Rizal secured a spot in the top 10 provincial economies, ranking eighth.  (Figure 5)

Moreover, though not shown, Batangas and Quezon ranked eighth and tenth, respectively,  in terms of each economy’s share to the national GVA of AFF. In the national GVA of Industry, Laguna, Cavite, and Batangas registered the top three economies with the largest shares. Lastly, Laguna and Cavite placed fifth and sixth, respectively, in the country in terms of their share to the national GVA of Services.

In terms of per capita GDP among the 82 provinces in the country, Laguna, Batangas, and Rizal ranked second, sixth, and seventh, respectively.

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was established through Republic Act No. 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, and is tasked, among others, to compile and maintain macroeconomic accounts and indicators, at the national and sub-national levels.

Complete statistical tables, charts, and data visuals on the PPA of CALABARZON can be accessed at Results of the PPA are also released by the respective provincial offices of the PSA through

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PSA Region IV-A