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PRICE SITUATION IN BATANGAS (2012=100) FEBRUARY 2021 The data presented herein were based on the results of the 2012-based Consumer Price Index Survey for all income households in Batangas for the month of February 2021 YEAR-ON-YEAR The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator of the change in the average retail prices of goods and services commonly purchased by the households for their day-to-day consumption. ■ The Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Batangas for February 2021 was posted at 129.0 index points. ■ The CPI increased by 5.1 index pointsfrom last year’s figure of 123.9. ■ Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco showed and remained the highest index point change of 77.3 among the commodity groups. ■ Positive index point change also registered in Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Housing, Clothing and Footwear; Furnishing Household and Equipment and Routine; Health and Recreation and Culture. ■ On the other hand, Water, Electricity, Gas Other fuels; and Restaurant and Miscellaneous Good and Services showed negative index point change. • Inflation Rate is the percentage increase or decrease in prices during a specific period usually a month or a year. • The inflation rate in the province was recorded at 4.1 percent during the reference month. • It decreased by 0.1 percentage points from the previous month’s figure and the rate at 4.2 percent. MONTH ON MONTH Major Commodity Group ■ In all commodity group, the highest are alcoholic beverages and tobacco, posted at a CPI of 375.6 during the month. ■ Restaurant and Miscellaneous Goods group (147.2) exhibited the second highest CPI, followed by the commodity group of Health (140.9). ■ Communication group commodity remained and registered the least CPI of 103.3. FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES • Compared to the last month, February 2021 Food and Non– Alcoholic Beverages sub sector recorded a decreased of –0.9 Index point change. • Highest Index Point Change was recorded of 5.8 showed in Meat Commodity. • Fruits commodity are the second to the highest positive month on month change of 2.9 percent. It was followed by Corn (2.4 percent), Oil and Fats came next with an index point of 1.0 percent. • In contrast the commodity of bread and cereals, rice, and fish showed a negative result. • In comparison to the last month, February 2021 Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages item Vegetable showed –22.2 percent considered as the highest negative index point change. NON FOOD • Over all Non-food exhibited a slight decrease of 0.3 percent of index point change. • Items for Furnishing, Household Equipment and Routine Maintenance of the House particular in items Glassware, Tableware Other Utensils same with the Goods Services for Routine Household gain the highest index point change of 0.4 percent. • Meanwhile, index point change of Restaurant and Miscellaneous Goods and Services drop by 0.1 percent. • The rest of commodity group remains stable during the month. Purchasing Power of Peso In February 2021, the Purchasing Power of Peso (PPP) in the province recorded a lower PPP at 0.78. This means that the value of P1.00 in 2012 is only worth P0.78 in February this year.

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