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SPECIAL RELEASE Birth Statistics The recorded registered births decreased by 9.34 percent from 13,320 in 2019 to 12,076 in 2020. The number of registered  births contracted between 2019 and 2020 of July to September decreased in most cities/municipalities except for Balete reported the highest increase (306.67), followed by  Tingloy (105.56) and Balayan (17%) and Tuy(64.71%).  Lipa City recorded the highest number of reported births of 2,139 which is 17.71 percent of the total births in the province in 2020 . It was followed by Batangas City and City of Tanauan with 1,445 (11.97%) and 1,196 (9.90) births , respectively.  The least number of marriages was recorded in Tingloy at 15 (0.35%) . Births attended by medical professionals in the quarter increased from 27.74 percent in August to 39.33 in September , while  traditional birth attendants (TBAs) or “hilots” increased from 28.44 percent in August  to 42.51 in the month of September . Balayan showed an increasing trend on births attended by health professionals, Lipa City showed the highest proportion of births attended by health professionals among cities/municipalities.  Municipality of Lian showed the least proportions of births that were medically attended. Marriage Statistics The registered marriages in the province declined from 1,517 in 2020 third quarter to 2,624 in 2019 of the same quarter , a decrease of 42.19  ; percent in a span of one year.   Month of September  was recorded the most marriages reported with 622.  ; On the other hand, municipalities of Balete and San Nicolas recorded with the lowest marriages for the month of quarter with 9 and 6 marriages , respectively. Marriages performed through Roman Catholic churches decreased by 96 percent in  the second quarter.  However, marriage rites performed in civil and other religious rites also decreased from 67 percent and 91 percent , respectively. Death Statistics Registered deaths in Batangas showed an increasing trend from 4,959 in 2020 third quarter to 4,605 in 2019 of the same quarter , an increase of 0.69 in a span of one year.  Males outnumbered females with the sex ratio of 224 males per 100 females of the third quarter. Batangas City topped as the most number of registered deaths with 874 deaths . The top five municipalities in terms of number of deaths were Nasugbu with 263, ranked first, followed by Lemery with 238 which ranked second, Balayan with 229 , third   and Bauan and San Juan which ranked fourth and fifth ranked with 197 and 181 respectively. These five municipalities had a percentage share of around 22 percent of the total deaths in the province. On the other hand, municipality of Tingloy had the lowest number of registered deaths in the province contributed less than one (1) percent share of the proportion of deaths.  From the total registered deaths in Batangas, 58.4 percent (2,895) were attended by health professionals (private physician, public health officer and hospital authority) while 8 percent (398) were attended by non-health professionals.   Meanwhile, reported death cases without any attendant reached to 33.5 percent and a less than (1) one percent , not stated.  

CALABARZON Birth, Marriage, and Death Statistics for 2023 (Provisional, as of 31 May 2024)

The data on the number of births, marriages, and deaths (vital events) presented in this regular monthly release were obtained from the vital events registered, either timely or belatedly, at the…

MARRIAGE STATISTICS IN QUEZON: November 2023 (Preliminary Results)

There were 514 marriages registered in Quezon in November 2023. It recorded a decrease of 8.7 percent from the previous month’s total of 563.

DEATH STATISTICS IN QUEZON: November 2023 (Preliminary Results)

There were 1,406 registered deaths in Quezon in November 2023. It recorded an increase of 16.5 percent from the previous month’s figure of 1,207.