Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) March 2019 - CRS Lipa City Outlet
Customer Satisfaction Survey March 2019 The Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) is a quarterly undertaking of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) done every 2nd week of the last month of the quarter. This survey was conducted on March 13 to 15, 2019 with one hundred fifty respondents randomly selected. Systematic random sampling was the sampling method used in the survey. Survey questionnaire were distributed to fifty clients randomly selected each day. Queuing numbers were the sampling variables used in determining the respondents for the survey. Through the CSS, the PSA understands the needs of the clients and is able to device plans and strategies on how to give better public service. Clients Profile Table 1. CRS Lipa City Outlet’s Clients Demographic Profile Demographic Profile Percent Sex Male 47.33 Female 52.67 Level of Education Attained Elementary 8.66 High School 56.67 College or Higher 34.67 Employment Status Employed 56 Unemployed 44 Residence Living Within Batangas Province 81.33 Living Outside Batangas Province 18.67 Of the one hundred fifty (150) respondents, 52.67% or 79 were female and 47.33% or 71 were male. The highest educational attainment of clients interviewed during the survey was high school graduate registered at 56.67%, clients earned college degree, 34.67% and the rest were elementary graduates, 8.66%. In terms of employment status, 56% of respondents were employed and 44% declared that they were unemployed. At the time of the survey, majority of the clients catered by CRS Lipa City Outlet were from Batangas province, 81.33% while the remainder were from areas outside Batangas, 18.67%. CRS Lipa City Outlet’s Client Satisfaction Level on Various Areas Table 2. CRS Lipa City Outlet’s Clients Satisfaction Level Table 2 illustrates the client’s level of satisfaction per category for CRS Lipa City Outlet. Of the four categories, Procedures got the highest average rating of 4.02, meaning, 4 out of 5, or 80% of the respondents agree that PSA procedure (as stated in the Citizen Charter) are clear, simple and easy to follow, Employees (Attitude and Appearance) with 3.95 rating or 79% of the respondents agree that PSA frontline staff are neat in grooming and appearance, are courteous in dealing with clients and are knowledgeable to processes and in providing information to them, Area and Facility - 3.79 or almost 76% of respondents agree that the PSA 4A CRS Outlet facilities are clean and safe (free from hazards), the area has enough chairs and well-ventilated and cool making them comfortable. In the area of Service with 3.69 rating, almost 74% of the respondents agree that the staff understood the clients` needs and situation, and are prompt in providing service. The outlet obtains only 3.86 or 77.26% over-all satisfaction rating. This shows that during the conduct of the survey, the outlet did not meet its objective to have an 80% customer satisfaction rating. Some of the factors affecting performance of the outlet during the period are lack of manpower, offline system and high volume of clients. Clients Observations and Recommendations Observations and recommendations were also gathered during the survey. Some of them are the following: Need for additional windows/counters for screen and payment Need for Additional manpower Slow processing which causes delay Often offline system Need to put up additional satellite office PSA Action Plan To address the issues and client recommendations collected during the survey, the PSA RSSO IV-A created action plan with the following details: On the need for additional manpower The PSA RSSO IV-A thru its Civil Registration and Administrative Support Division continues its coordination with the Unisys with regards to the hiring of personnel. The outlet needs additional 3 to 5 staff to augment the lacking manpower of the outlet. During the survey period the outlet only has 30 personnel. To date, three more Unisys associates are added to the manpower complement On slow processing The outlet has a total of 197, 957 transactions during the 1st quarter of 2019. It is 22.52% or 36,386 higher than the same period last year. Large numbers of clients and lack of manpower are the main reasons for slow processing. On March 25, 2019, the PSA started to implement the quota system wherein only 1,500 walk-in applicants are accepted to apply civil registry documents. Of the 1,500, 1,200 are for regular lane and the remaining 300 are for special lane. To date, complaint on slow processing is minimized. Also, CRS frontline staff will have a refresher training on the different processes of the outlet this coming June 2019 to further strengthen and improve the service provided to the public. Concerning offline system Technical glitch is beyond control of the office. With the implementation of the CRS-ITP 2 this problem is assumed to be eliminated. Enhancement of IT facility of the outlet is ongoing. On putting-up additional satellite Plans are underway for the putting up of additional walk-in outlets in the region under CRS ITP 2. On setting-up of additional windows/ counters, with the present structure of the outlet, adding windows or counters is not feasible due to limited space. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) JULIEDIN B. NOHAY WILMA A. VILLAFUERTE CHARITO C. ARMONIA Statistical Specialist II Chief Administrative Officer Regional Director
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