Resolution No. 1. Approving the Budgetary Thrusts of the Philippine System for the Period 2021-2023 Resolution No. 2. Endorsing the FY 2021 Tier 2 Statistical Budgets of Agencies in the Philippine Statistical System to the Department of Budget and Management Resolution No. 3. Approving and Adopting the New Sampling Design of the Palay Production Survey (PPS) and Corn Production Survey (CPS) Resolution No. 4. Approving and Adopting the New Sampling Design of the Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS) Resolution No. 5. Adoption of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) SDG Measures and the Time Distance Measure in Tracking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Progress. Resolution No. 6. Approving and Adopting the Modifications in the Designated Statistical Activities of the Philippine Statistics Authority. Resolution No. 7. Enjoining Support to and Participation in the Nationwide Observance of World Statistics Day Resolution No. 8. Approving the Conduct of the Monthly Labor Force Survey and the Generation of the Monthly Labor and Employment Statistics Resolution No. 9. Approving and Adopting the New Sampling Design of the Quarterly Inland Fisheries Survey (QIFS) Resolution No. 10. Approving and Adopting the 2020 Philippine Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (PCOICOP) Resolution No. 11. Rebasing of the Producer Price Index (PPI) for Agriculture from Base Year 2006 to Base Year 2018 Resolution No. 12. Rebasing to Year 2018 the Producer Price Index (PPPI) Generated from the Producer Price Survey (PPS) Resolution No. 13. The Monthly Integrated Survey on Selected Industries (MISSI)