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Non-Food and Industrial Crops Production in 2021 The non-food and industrial crops (NFIC) production in the province increased by about 0.7 percent from 1,301,476.80 metric tons in 2020 to 1,311,028.27 metric tons in 2021. Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops The province produced a total of 1,310,22P6.04 metric tons of NFIC under major classification during the year. It increased by 0.7 percent from previous year’s level of 1,300,771.83 metric tons. Of the major NFIC, coconut (with husk) accounted for 99.8 percent of the total production. The remaining 0.2 percent was composed of sugarcane (cane) for centrifugal sugar, coffee (green coffee beans) and abaca (dried raw fiber). A significant increase in the production of abaca was recorded in 2021 with 2.20 metric tons. It was 7,233.3 percent higher compared to last year’s production of only 0.03 metric tons. Coconut (with husk) production in 2021 was 1,306,999.59 metric tons. It increased by 0.7 percent from last year’s production of 1,298,277.19 metric tons. Of the total coconut production, matured coconut contributed the largest share of 99.8 percent or 1,304,696.50 metric tons while young coconut had only 0.2 percent share or 2,303.09 metric tons. The production of coffee (green coffee beans) decreased by 6.2 percent, from 2020 level of 94.61 metric tons to 88.74 metric tons in 2021. Among the coffee variety, excelsa had the highest share of 43.2 percent, equivalent to 38.33 metric tons. This was followed by robusta with 38.6 percent or 34.28 metric tons. Liberica variety shared the least percentage of 18.2 percent. Sugarcane (cane) for centrifugal sugar production reached 3,135.51 metric tons, an increment of 30.6 percent compared to the 2,400.00 metric tons produced a year ago. PRIORITY FRUIT CROPS A total of 455.33 metric tons production of priority NFIC was registered in the province in 2021. It increased by 17.0 percent from previous output of 389.23 metric tons. More than half or 53.1 percent of the total production of priority NFIC came from coconut sap/tuba. It was followed by bromeliad (live plants with pot) with 36.7 percent share. Green corn stalk and cacao (dried beans with pulp) came next with 7.2 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively. The least percentage share was recorded to palm fruit kaong (kernel) with only 0.4 percent. Minor Non-Food and Industrial Crops In 2021, the province had a total production of 213.90 metric tons of minor NFIC. The prior year’s output of 195.14 metric tons increased by 9.6 percent during the year. Coir (dried raw fiber) contributed the biggest share of 50.8 percent to the total minor NFIC. It was followed by nipa sap with 24.1 percent. Pili nut (dried nut with shell) and laza/tambo (dried flower with stalk) came next with 9.8 percent and 5.7 percent, respectively. The remaining 9.5 percent was composed of orchids, banana leaves and coconut leaves (dried).   Other Non Food and Industrial Crops The province recorded a total production of 133.00 metric tons for other NFIC. This production was 10.3 percent higher compared to last year’s production of 120.60 metric tons. Area Planted/Harvested for Non-Food and Industrial Crops in 2021 In 2021, the area planted/harvested for NFIC was recorded at 375,972.25 hectares. It decreased by 666.16 hectares from previous year’s figure of 376,638.41 hectares. Area planted/harvested for major NFIC dropped to 375,318.00 hectares in 2020 from 375,992.00 hectares during the previous year. It went down by 674.00 hectares or 0.2 percent. In contrast, area planted/harvested for priority NFIC recorded a 7.00 hectare increase in 2021. It rose to 610.00 hectares during the year compared to 603.00 hectares in 2020. Area planted/harvested for minor NFIC remained at 22.00 hectares. Area planted/harvested for other NFIC slightly increased from 21.41 hectares in 2020 to 22.25 hectares in 2021. It increased by 0.84 hectare. Number of Bearing Trees/Hills/Vines for Non-Food and Industrial Crops in 2021 The number of bearing tress/hills/vines of NFIC declined by 0.2 percent in 2021, from 47,321,165 trees in 2020 to 47,210,438 trees during the year. Likewise, the reported number of bearing trees/hills/vines of major NFIC also decreased by 0.2 percent, from previous year’s figure of 47,255,437 trees to 47,144,719 trees. The number of bearing trees/hills/vines of both minor and other NFIC also decreased by 1.1 percent and 0.2 percent, respectively. Priority NFIC had no change from the previous year’s number of bearing trees/hills/vines at 64,309 trees.  


The non-food and industrial crops (NFIC) production in the province increased by about 0.7 percent from 1,301,476.80 metric tons in 2020 to 1,311,028.27 metric tons in 2021.