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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) will conduct the 2022 Occupational Wages Survey (OWS) and 202112022lntegrated Survey on Labor and  Employment (ISLE) from October 3 to December 29, 2022. The OWS and ISLE are regular establishment-based surveys simultaneously undertaken every two years by the PSA.   The OWS aims to generate statistics on wage and salary administration and wage determination in collective bargaining negotiations. Specifically, it aims to measure the wage differential across occupations and industries in the country and determine inequalities in typically low and high-wage occupations among workers.   Meanwhile, ISLE aims to generate an integrated data set on employment of specific groups of workers, unionism and collective bargaining, occupational shortages and surpluses, jobrelated training ofworkers, occupational safety and health practices, occupational injuries and diseases, and establishments of workers' productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the data from the survey will serve as inputs to policy and program formulation on employment, conditions of work, and industrial relations. lt will also serve as a basis for the studies on industry trends and praclices, assessment of the progress of decent work in the country and promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic groMh, full and produclive employment, and decent work for all.   There are 110 samples in Quezon province to be covered for this survey. These are located in 20 sample municipalities and 2 cities in the province. Nine (9) regular statistical staff are involved in the conduct of the said survey.   For this survey, the Paper and Pencil lnterview (PAPI) data collection method will be employed.   PSA Quezon would liketo inform the publicthat data collected from this activity shall be treated with utmost confidentiality as mandated under Section 26 of the Republic Act 10625 published on September 12,2013.   Provincial Statistics Officer Airene A. Pucyutan of PSA-Quezon enjoins everyone to support and cooperate in the said survey activity.  (JASalcedo/PSA-Quezon)    

PRESS RELEASE: PSA Quezon Conducts the 2022 Occupational Wages Survey (OWS) and 2021/2022 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) will conduct the 2022 Occupational Wages Survey (OWS) and 202112022lntegrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) from October 3 to December 29, 2022. The…