Women and Men in Batangas (Based on 2015 Census of Population)
Women and Men in Batangas (Based on 2015 Census of Population) Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics The total population of Batangas based on the POPCEN 2015 was 2, 694,335. Of the total population, 50.3 percent or 1,339,148 were women while 49.7 percent or 1,355,187 accounted for men population. Sex Ratio at 101 males per 100 females Of the 2,694,335 total population in 2015 , males accounted for 50.3 percent while females comprised 49.7 percent. These figures resulted in a sex ratio of 101 males for every 100 females . The same sex ration was recorded in 2007 . There were more males than females among the never-married persons Of the household population 10 years and over, 42.8 percent were married while 43.4 percent were never married . The rest of the population were categorized as follows: widowed (4.8 percent), in common –law/live in marital arrangement (7.6 percent) and divorced/separated (1.5 percent). Among the never-married persons, 53.2 percent were males while 46.8 percent were females. For the rest of the categories for marital status, the females outnumbered the males. Females had attained higher levels of education Of the total population aged five years and over, 30.3 percent had attended or completed elementary education, 40.5 percent had reached or finished high school, 9.8 percent were college undergraduate and 12.1 were academic degree holders. Among those with academic degrees, the females (57.9 percent) outnumbered the males (42.1 percent). Similarly, there were more females (64.5 percent) than males (35.5 percent) among those with post baccalaureate courses. About two thirds of the household population 5 to 24 years old (67.5 percent) had attended school during the school year 2015 to 2016 . Of the total males aged 5 to 24 years, 51.0 percent had attended school during the said school year while school attendance for the females was 49.0 percent of the total females aged 5 to 24 years. Male overseas workers outnumbered their female counterparts Of the 2,694,335 total population 15 years old and over in Batangas, 115,134 persons (4.3 percent) were overseas workers. Male overseas workers (60.2 percent) outnumbered their female counterparts (39.8 percent). Older overseas workers (45 years old and over) accounted for 24.4 percent. Meanwhile, overseas workers aged 25 to 29 years posted a share of 17.2 percent while those in the age group 30 to 34 years comprised 18.6 percent. Nearly two thirds of those engaged in gainful activities were males Batangas had 1,142,285 persons aged 18 years old and over who were engaged in gainful activity. This figure represents 70.0 percent of the 1,32,813 household population 15 years old and over in the province in 2015. Males comprised 62.2 percent of the gainfully employed persons while females accounted for 37.8 percent. By major occupation group, 17.4 percent of the gainfully employed persons were classified as laborers and unskilled workers while 15.7 percent were service and sales workers.
The total population of Batangas based on the POPCEN 2015 was 2, 694,335. Of the total population, 50.3 percent or 1,339,148 were women while 49.7 percent or 1,355,187 accounted for men population.