These Philippine Bidding Documents (PBDs) for the procurement of Goods through Competitive Bidding have been prepared by the Government of the Philippines (GOP) for use by all branches, agencies, departments, bureaus, offices, or instrumentalities of the government, including government-owned and/or -controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local government units (LGUs) and autonomous regional government. The procedures and practices presented in this document have been developed through broad experience and are for mandatory use in projects that are financed in whole or in part by the GOP or any foreign government/foreign or international financing institution in accordance with the provisions of the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184. The Bidding Documents shall clearly and adequately define, among others: (a) the objectives, scope, and expected outputs and/or results of the proposed contract; (b) the eligibility requirements of bidders, such as track record to be determined by the Head of the Procuring Entity; (c) the expected contract duration, the estimated quantity in the case of procurement of goods, delivery schedule and/or time frame; and (d) the obligations, duties, and/or functions of the winning bidder. In order to simplify the preparation of the Bidding Documents for each procurement, the PBDs groups the provisions that are intended to be used unchanged in Section II. Instructions to Bidders(ITB) and in Section IV. General Conditions of Contract(GCC). Data and provisions specific to each procurement and contract should be included in Section III. Bid Data Sheet (BDS); Section V. Special Conditions of Contract(SCC); Section VI. Schedule of Requirements; Section VII. Technical Specifications, and Section IX. Foreign-Assisted Projects. The forms to be used are provided in Section VIII. Bidding Forms. Care should be taken to check the relevance of the provisions of the PBDs against the requirements of the specific Goods to be procured. In addition, each section is prepared with notes intended only as information for the Procuring Entity or the person drafting the Bidding Documents. They shall not be included in the final documents, except for the notes introducing Section VIII. Bidding Formswhere the information is useful for the Bidder. The following general directions should be observed when using the documents: (a) All the documents listed in the Table of Contents are normally required for the procurement of Goods. However, they should be adapted as necessary to the circumstances of the particular Project. (b) Specific details, such as the “name of the Procuring Entity” and “address for bid submission,” should be furnished in the ITB, BDS, and SCC. The final documents should contain neither blank spaces nor options. (c) This Preface and the footnotes or notes in italics included in the Invitation to Bid, BDS, SCC, Schedule of Requirements, and Specifications are not part of the text of the final document, although they contain instructions that the Procuring Entity should strictly follow. The Bidding Documents should contain no footnotes except Section VIII. Bidding Formssince these provide important guidance to Bidders. (d) The cover should be modified as required to identify the Bidding Documents as to the names of the Project, Contract, and Procuring Entity, in addition to date of issue. (e) If modifications must be made to bidding requirements, they can be presented in the BDS. Modifications for specific Project or Contract details should be provided in the SCC as amendments to the Conditions of Contract. For easy completion, whenever reference has to be made to specific clauses in the BDS or SCC these terms shall be printed in bold type face on Section I. Instructions to Bidders and Section III. General Conditions of Contract, respectively.
In relation to the Pre-Bid Conference held on November 29, 2024, the following clarification from prospective bidder are being posted for the information of all concerned. This shall form an integral…
Dear Sir:
We are happy to notify you that your Bid dated September 2, 2024 for the execution of XITRIX COMPUTER CORPORATION re: Procurement of Desktop Computers for the 2024 Census of Population…