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Sources of Funds

PSA Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO) IV-A received a total appropriation of about PhP256.9 Million as of March 2024 including the 2023 continuing appropriations of PhP22.7 Million.  Thirty-three (33) percent of the appropriations came from Locally Funded Projects with a big portion attributed to PhilSys Identification System (PhilSys). 

Distribution of the Budget 
The sub-allotment advice released to Provincial Offices as of March 2024 amounted to Php99.49 million which comprised 39 percent of the total allotment received.  The remaining 61 percent will be distributed to the provinces until the end of the year and a small portion allotted to the Regional Statistical Services Office IV-A.  Cavite province received the highest allotment of funds corresponding to 23.76 percent while Quezon received the lowest allotment corresponding to 16.78 percent of the total budget for the whole region.

Obligations Incurred and Utilization Rate

Total obligation paid in 1st Quarter of 2024 for the whole region amounted to PhP 111,296,764.76 and is broken down as follows:

The average utilization rate for the given period was 43.32%, which indicates that resources were being used efficiently, but there is still room for improvement to avoid over-dependence on available resources. The utilization rates for different categories are as follows:

1. Regular Program PS (Salaries and other employee benefits): This category had a 21% utilization rate, for the 1st quarter of 2024.

2. Regular Program MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses): The utilization rate was 33%, for the 1st quarter of 2024 for maintenance and other operational costs.

3. Locally funded projects MOOE-Current (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses): This category had a 80% utilization rate and still increasing due to numerous activities of locally funded projects of the PSA.

4. Locally funded projects MOOE Continuing (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses): This category had a 28% utilization rate wherein Census of Agriculture and Fisheries is the biggest contributor with regards to budget utilization rate in Locally Funded Project – Continuing category.

Overall, the utilization rates for Regular Program of Personnel Services (PS) and Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) are quite low as of Quarter 1, because the remaining unobligated allotments for the said programs will be downloaded to the region and for distribution over the next three (3) quarters of the year. 

Regional Director


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