Special Release on Vital Statistics Report: February 2023 Births in Laguna (Preliminary Results)
This report presents statistics on births that were registered in Laguna for the month of February, year 2023. The data presented herein were obtained from the documents submitted by the Local Civil Registrars to the PSA Provincial Office and then processed thru DVSS2K system. Caution must be employed in interpreting the data since the figures were not adjusted in consideration of under registration. Figure 1. Number of Registered Live Births by City/Municipality in Laguna: February 2023 The number of live births for the month of February 2023 registered a total of 4,424. This showed an increase of 17.2 percent from 3,774 live births in February 2022. This gave a daily average occurrence of 158 babies or 7 babies every hour. There were more male babies (2,322 or 52.5 percent) than female babies 2,102 or 47.5 percent) during this period, resulting in a sex ratio of birth of 110 males for every 100 females. City of Calamba had the highest recorded number of live births at 1,123 which accounts for 25.4 percent of the total. This was followed by Santa Cruz with 501 births and City of Biñan with 479 births or 11.3 percent and 10.8 percent, respectively. On the other hand, municipalities of Rizal and Magdalena had the lowest number of births 3 and 8 registered births, respectively. These showed 0.1 percent and 0.2 percent of the total live births for the month of February 2023. Table 1. Number of Registered Live Births by Type of Birth in Laguna: February 2023 Single babies born during the month constitute 99.0 percent by type of live births. Those who were born twins registered at 1.0 percent of the total births. Figure 2. Percentage of Registered Live Birth by Legitimacy Status in Laguna: February 2023 Less than half of those born in February 2023 were legitimate (1,351 or 30.5 percent of the total). The illegitimate, on the other hand, comprised 3,073 live births or 69.5 percent. Figure 3. Number of Registered Live Birth by Attendant at Birth in Laguna: February 2023 In terms of attendant at birth, almost half of the live births (2,395 or 54.1 percent) were attended by physicians. It was followed by midwives with 1,224 live births or 27.7 percent. Services of traditional hilot comprised 17.1 percent with 756 live births. Technical Notes Vital statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register. Vital acts and events are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and all such events that have something to do with an individual’s entrance and departure from life together with the changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his lifetime. Recording of these events in the civil registration and the resulting documents are called vital records. The reference period of this special release is whole month of February 2023. Some significant concepts and definitions used are listed below. Some points are found in the summary measures used in describing the facts or events. a. LIVE BIRTH – is a complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such separation, breaths or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of the voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached; each product of such a birth is considered live born. b. BIRTH ORDER – refers to the numerical order of a child in relation to all previous deliveries of the mother. c. DAILY AVERAGE – refers to the arithmetic mean of birth, death or marriage occurrences per day. d. SEX RATIO – refers to the number of males per one hundred females. e. PLACE OF OCCURRENCE – refers to the place where the vital event took place. This release contains statistical tables and graphs encompassing the vital event - births occurring in the province of Laguna. For interpretation of data, caution is necessary since information presented is not adjusted for under registration. MAGDALENA T. SERQUEÑA Chief Statistical Specialist