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SR DVSS 2022-029
Number of Deaths... There were 1,117  registered deaths in Quezon in July 2022. It recorded a decrease of 3.0 percent from the previous month's figure of 1,152. The daily average of death occurrences during the month was 36 or approximately two deaths per hour. Death by Sex... There were more male deaths (650 or 58.2 percent) than female deaths (467 or 41.8 percent) registered during the month. the death sex ratio was calculated at 139 males for every 100 females in July 2022. Deaths by Age-group... Majority of the death occurrences belonged to age group 60 and over with a total of 664. this comprised more than half or 59.4 percent of the total deaths recorded for the month. Age group 55-59 years old registered the next highest death toll which accounted for 103 or 9.2 percent.    

DEATH STATISTICS IN QUEZON: October 2023 (Preliminary Results)

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Death Statistics in Quezon: September 2023 (Preliminary Results)

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