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2023 - 003
Total Crops Production in 2021 A total of 1,520,260.40 metric tons of crops were produced in the province in 2021. This was 0.7 percent higher compared to the previous year’s figure of 1,509,605.07 metric tons. Crops Production by Subsector Of the total crops production in 2021, non-food and industrial crops contributed the biggest share of 86.2 percent. It was followed by vegetables and rootcrops with 10.5 percent share. Fruit crops registered the least share of 3.3 percent. The vegetable and root crops production during the year 2021 went up by 1.0 percent, from 2020 level of 157,483.85 metric tons to 159,105.60 metric tons. In contrast, the fruit crops production decreased by 1.0 percent, from 50,644.42 metric tons in 2020 to 50,126.53 metric tons in 2021. The production of non-food and industrial crops in 2021 reached 1,311,028.27 metric tons. It rose by 0.7 percent from previous year’s production of 1,301,476.80 metric tons. Vegetable and Root Crops Major vegetables and root crops had a total of 83,105.36 metric tons in 2021. It decreased by 0.1 percent from previous year’s level of 83,228.76 metric tons. Similarly, the production of minor vegetables and root crops registered a decline of 0.2 percent. The production was trimmed down to 18,960.96 metric tons from 19,006.04 in 2020. The province produced a total of 56,032.37 metric tons of priority vegetables and root crops, an increase of 3.3 percent compared to prior year’s output of 54,266.81 metric tons. Moreover, there was an increase of 2.5 percent in the production of other vegetables and root crops. The production reached 1,006.91 metric tons in 2021 from 982.24 metric tons recorded in the prior year. Fruit Crops The province produced a total of 42,515.65 metric tons of fruits under major classification in 2021. It decreased by 1.9 percent from previous year’s level of 43,329.76 metric tons. However, priority fruits registered a 6.1 percent increase in terms of volume of production in 2021. From 4,884.15 metric tons recorded in 2020, it rose to 5,139.75 metric tons in 2021. Likewise, the volume of production of minor fruit crop increased to 2,439.86 metric tons. This was 0.02 percent higher compared to the 2020 output of 2,439.26 metric tons. Moreover, the province recorded a total of 31.27 metric tons production for other fruits. This was 0.1 percent higher compared to prior year’s production of 31.25 metric tons.   Non-Food and Industrial Crops A total of 1,310,226.04 metric tons of non-food and industrial crops under major classification was produced in 2021. It increased by 0.7 percent from previous year’s level of 1,300,771.83 metric tons. Priority non-food and industrial crops had a total production of 455.33 metric tons in 2021. It was 17.0 percent higher compared to the 2020 volume of 389.23 metric tons. Likewise, the volume of production of minor non-food and industrial crops reached 9.6 percent increase, from 2020 output of 195.14 metric tons to 213.90 metric tons during the year.  


The fruit crops production in the province went down by 5.8 percent in 2020 or about 50,644.42 metric tons from 53,750.65 metric tons in 2019.


A total of 1,520,260.40 metric tons of crops were produced in the province in 2021. This was 0.7 percent higher compared to the previous year’s figure of 1,509,605.07 metric tons.


The non-food and industrial crops production in the province dropped by about 8.8 percent from 1,427,841.95 metric tons in 2019 to 1,301,571.41 metric tons in 2020.