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RBAC Resolution Declaring and Recommending Approval for the Single Calculated and Responsive Bidder Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Other Materials for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of PSA Quezon     RESOLUTION NO. 2021-10-RBAC-003   WHEREAS, the Philippine Statistics Authority received on September 9, 2021 Concept Note and Purchase Request No.: QUE-21-07-068 dated July 28, 2021 from PSA Quezon for the procurement of Common Use Supplies and Other Materials for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of PSA Quezon (with details as attached);   WHEREAS, the Regional Bids and Awards Committee (RBAC) conducted the Pre-Procurement Conference on September 14, 2021 and set the timeline as given hereto below: Month/Date/Year Activity Person Involved September 9, 2021 Received of Concept Note End-User/BAC Secretariat   Purchase Request Approved RD Charito C. Armonia September 14, 2021 BAC Pre-Procurement Conference Review/Preparation of: *Technical Specifications *Invitation to Bid (I.B.) *Bidding Documents  (PBDs) *Invitation to observers COA BAC/TWG/End-User September 21 - 28, 2021 Posting Uploading of  I.B. PBDs over PhilGEPS BAC Secretariat Posting of I.B. @conspicuous Place BAC Secretariat September 27, 2021 (9:00 a.m.) Pre-Bid Conference BAC, TWG Bidders (with observers) October 11, 2021 (5:00 p.m.) Deadline of Submission of Bids   October 12, 2021 (9:00 a.m.) Bid Opening BAC, TWG Bidders (with observers) October 13, 2021 (9:00 a.m.) Post Qualification/Rating Factor BAC and TWG October 14, 2021 BAC Resolution (LCRB or SLCRB) BAC Notice of Award RD Armonia   Winning Bidder October 15, 2021 Contract Signing RD Armonia   Winning Bidder October 18, 2021 Notice to Proceed RD Armonia   Winning Bidder Not later than November 4, 2021 Date of Delivery Winning Bidder   WHEREAS, the RBAC agreed to adopt the mode of Public Bidding only for the Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Other Materials for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of PSA Quezon under the PSA Contract PSA Contract No. 2021-RBAC-002;   WHEREAS, the Contract Price for the Project re: Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Other Materials for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of PSA Quezon has an Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) in the amount of Two Million Six Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand and Six Hundred Seventy-Five Pesos (PhP 2,686,675.00);   WHEREAS, the Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Other Materials for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of PSA Quezon is included in the Annual Procurement Plan of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) for the year 2021 as supplemental and to be procured through Public Bidding;   WHEREAS, the RBAC, TWG Secretariat complied with the timeline in the preparation of the Bidding Documents, invitation letters for COA and Observers, the Invitation to Bid (IB) and posting over PhilGEPS and the amount of PhP5,000.00 was set as the corresponding price of Bidding Documents per Standard Rates stipulated in the Updated 2016 I.R.R. (Appendix 8) of the R.A. 9184 as of 31 March 2021;   WHEREAS, before the closing of posting of the Invitation to Bid over PhilGEPS on September 28, 2021, two (2) Bidders ordered over PhilGEPS website, to wit: MCSA MARKETING                                                     24-September-2021 24/7 PRINTING TRADING CONST. CORP             24-September-2021 WHEREAS, the RBAC convened for the Pre-Bid Conference at RSSO Conference room on September 27, 2021 participated in by two (2) Prospective Bidders online/virtual and (1) observer who attended in person, namely; AMTES COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE (Prospective Bidder) MCSA MARKETING (Prospective Bidder) Amor C. Naranjo (COA Resident Auditor) WHEREAS, on October 11, 2021 before the deadline set (on/before 5:00 p.m., PSA bundy clock), the RBAC Secretariat received Bidding Envelope from MCSA Marketing thru its authorized representative Mr. Art Agsalud who bought and paid Bidding Documents at the same time;   WHEREAS, the RBAC conducted the Opening of Bids at 9:00 a.m. on October 12, 2021 in the presence of Ms. Amor C. Naranjo of COA along with the members of the Technical Working Group with the administrative support of the BAC Secretariat;   WHEREAS, after preliminary examinations by the RBAC of all the legal, technical and financial documents, the lone bidder was found to be compliant to all the eligibility requirements, thus the bidder was declared to be eligible to bid and the corresponding Bid Price duly read and calculated to wit:   Name of Bidder Bid Amount (As Read) % Variance from ABC MCSA MARKETING PhP 2,461,840.30 8.37%   Name of Bidder Bid Amount (As Calculated) % Variance from ABC MCSA MARKETING PhP 2,461,840.30 8.37%   WHEREAS, a Post Qualification was conducted on October 13, 2021 and all the statements and documents submitted by MCSA Marketing were verified and validated;   WHEREAS, no observer attended the Post Qualification and the RBAC received on October 12, 2021 (6:01 p.m) an email from invited COA representative Ms. Amor C. Naranjo notifying her inability to attend the procurement process due to an earlier COA commitment that has to take precedence;   WHEREAS, on the same day MCSA Marketing has presented all the original documents to the RBAC which then ascertained the said bidder’s compliance with the legal,  technical and financial requirements;    WHEREAS, the bidder presented all the samples of the that MCSA Marketing is going to deliver to PSA Quezon not later than November 4, 2021;   WHEREAS, the end-user represented by Ms. Normita Pagkatipunan have seen and checked all that MCSA Marketing has presented and agreed that it conforms with all the minimum specifications of the items they needed;   WHEREAS, it was concluded that the offer of the lone bidder was found to be responsive and advantageous to PSA;   WHEREAS, the RBAC unanimously agreed to declare the Lone Bidder as Eligible with the Single Calculated and Responsive Bid (SCRB) for the project;   NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Members of the Regional Bids and Awards Committee, with the endorsement of the Technical Working Group hereby RESOLVE as it is hereby RESOLVED: To declare and award the contract to MCSA MARKETING as the Single Calculated and Responsive Bidder by meeting both the ABC requirement and specifications of the project being procured; To recommend for approval by the Regional Director of the Philippine Statistics Authority Region IV-A, the foregoing findings.                       RESOLVED, at the PSA Region IV-A, Bldg. C, Fiesta World Mall, Brgy. Marawoy, Lipa City, Batangas, this 14th day of October 2021.     (SGD) BENIGNO F. PERIDO Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee (SGD) CHARITY O. BAUTISTA Vice-Chairperson (SGD) ELVIN D. ARASULA Member (SGD) MARINELA C. MAGCAMIT Member (SGD) MARIFE C. BAUTISTA Member APPROVED/DISAPPROVED:   (SGD) CHARITO C. ARMONIA Regional Director Head of Procuring Entity  

Notice Of Award

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