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Number of Deaths…  There were 1,236 registered deaths in Quezon in December 2022. It recorded a decrease of 3.2 percent from the previous month’s figure of 1,277.  The daily average of death occurrences during the month was 40 or approximately two deaths per hour.   Deaths by Sex…  There were more male deaths (702 or 56.8 percent) than female deaths (534 or 43.2 percent) registered during the month.  The death sex ratio was calculated at 131 males for every 100 females in December 2022.   Deaths by Age-group…  Majority of the death occurrences belonged to age group 60 and over with a total of 758. This comprised more than half or 61.3 percent of the total deaths recorded for the month.   Infant Deaths…  Infant deaths totaled 43 or 3.5 percent of the total mortality.   Infant deaths were higher for males (29) than females (14) giving an infant death sex ratio of 207 males for every 100 females.   Deaths by Place of Occurrence and Usual Place of Residence…  Lucena City recorded the most number of deaths at 359 or 29.0 percent. This may be explained by its large population and the health facilities available in the city.  The municipality of Sariaya (71 or 5.7 percent) came next in terms of highest number of death occurrences. It was followed by Candelaria (68 or 5.5 percent) and Lopez (62 or 5.0 percent).  There were 192 deaths that occurred outside the usual place of residence of the deceased.  Lucena City recorded the highest number of deaths (164) that occurred outside the usual residence of the deceased. It was followed by Infanta (9) and Lopez (8).  Majority of the rest of the municipalities and city of the province registered higher number of deaths by usual residence than the number of deaths by place of occurrence.   Leading Causes of Deaths (8 days old over)…  There were 1,211 registered deaths among those aged 8 days and over.   Of this total, 262 (21.6 percent) cases were due to diseases of the heart while  hypertensive diseases accounted for 157 or 13.0 percent.   Cerebrovascular diseases caused 89 (7.3 percent) deaths, pneumonia caused 84 (6.9 percent) deaths while  diabetes mellitus caused 73 (6.0 percent) deaths.   Maternal Deaths…  There was one maternal death recorded for the month of December 2022.     (SGD.) AIRENE A. PUCYUTAN Chief Statistical Specialist PSA Quezon   NDP/PFVM/NRSU    

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