Quezon province recorded about 531 thousand housing units in 2020
Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH 2020), Quezon province recorded a total of 531,431 housing units. Of this total 463,373 (87.2%) were occupied by households/household population as of May 1, 2020. In 2015, out of the 455,443 housing units, 417,906 (91.8%) were occupied.
Between 2020 and 2015, the number of occupied housing units increased by 45,467, or 10.9 percent.
Occupancy rate was posted at 87.2 percent in Quezon province.
The occupancy rate or the ratio of the total occupied housing units to the total number of housing units in 2020 was posted at 87.2 percent. The occupancy rate in 2015 was higher at 91.8 percent. This means that there were more vacant housing units in 2020 compared to 2015.
The table shows the distribution of occupied housing units across different city/municipalities in Quezon province.
Sariaya had the most number of occupied housing units
Among the municipalities in Quezon province, Sariaya had the highest number of occupied housing units at 38,633 (8.3%). Candelaria followed with 32,548 occupied housing units (7.0%). Tayabas came in third with 26,944 occupied housing units (5.8%). Meanwhile, Jomalig recorded the least number of occupied housing units with 1,829 (0.4%).
There were 104 households per 100 occupied housing units in Quezon province
A total of 483,703 households were recorded in Quezon province in 2020. This translates to 104 households in every 100 occupied housing units, the same with the ratio recorded in 2015.
The household population of Quezon province was recorded at 1,945,444 in 2020. This is equivalent to 4.2 persons per housing unit, slightly lower than the 4.4 persons recorded in 2015.
Chief Statistical Specialist
PSA Quezon