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This special release presents gender statistics on vital events such as birth, marriage and death for the 1st Semestral 2024 in the Province of Cavite. The civil registry documents transmitted by the Local Civil Registry Offices (LCROs) to Cavite Provincial Office for machine processing served as the source of data in preparation of this publication.


Table 1 shows that male and female births in the Province of Cavite for the 1st Semestral 2024 had a total of 13,971 and 13,420, respectively. The highest registrations of male and female births came from the City of Bacoor with 2,212 males and 2,132 females. Meanwhile, the least number of male and female births were recorded in Ternate with 33 males and 47 female births.

Male births outnumbered female births in 15 cities/municipalities except from the following eight (8) municipalities: Alfonso, Amadeo, Indang, Kawit, Magallanes, Rosario, Tanza, and Ternate.

Figure 1 shows that the month of January had the highest occurrence of male and female live births with 2,664 males and 2,558 females. Meanwhile, the month of March recorded the least occurrence of male and female live births with 2,048 and 1,902, respectively.

Figure 2 shows that majority of births came from mothers residing in Cavite. Male and female births whose mothers were Cavite residents were 13,669 and 13,178, respectively, while male and female births with mothers who were residents of other provinces were 302 and 242, respectively.

Figure 3 shows that most live births were from Filipino Mothers with 27,322. Chinese, American and Japanese Mothers each gave birth to two (2) babies while others with other nationalities made up the remaining 63.

Figure 4 shows that majority of births have Filipino Fathers with 25,284. There were 1,928 births whose nationality of father was not stated. Fathers with other nationalities had a total of 84. Chinese and American Fathers were 56 and 24, respectively. The remaining was made up by two (2) Australian, three (3) German, and one (1) Iranian Father.


For the first semestral of 2024, majority of the brides for all cities / municipalities in Cavite were Filipinos with 8,139 of the 8,163 total marriages, followed by other nationalities with 10 and American with eight (8) brides. The least number of brides were Japanese and Australian with both three (3) brides.

The highest number of Filipino brides was recorded in Silang with 1,151 while the least came from Magallanes with 64.

Most grooms for all cities / municipalities of Cavite were Filipinos with a total of 7,912. This was followed by other nationalities and American with 116 and 85, respectively. There were 14 grooms whose nationality was not stated. The remaining were 12 Chinese, 10 Japanese, nine (9) Australian, three (3) German and two (2) Spanish grooms.

Silang recorded the highest number of Filipino grooms with 1,119 while Magallanes recorded the least with 64 Filipino grooms.


Figure 5 shows that male deaths consistently outnumbered female deaths on the first semester of 2024. The month of January 2024 had the highest occurrence of male deaths with 1,211 while the month of April had the highest occurrence of female deaths with 1,023. The month March had the least occurrence of deaths for both sexes comprised of 885 males and 709 females.

Figure 6 shows that majority of the registered deaths were residents of Cavite of which 5,958 were males and 4,995 were females. Male and female deaths who were residents of other provinces were 382 and 213, respectively. One (1) death has no stated sex and residence.


In birth statistics, male births were higher than female births. The highest number of male births occurred on January while the highest number of female births occurred on March. When it comes to births by usual residence of mother, majority were residents of Cavite. As to nationality of parents, Filipino mothers and fathers were predominant.

With regards to marriage statistics, most grooms and brides were Filipinos. For both sexes, Silang had the highest record for Filipino brides and grooms. On the other hand, Magallanes recorded the least Filipino brides and grooms.

In death statistics, male deaths exceeded female deaths. The highest number of deaths for both sexes occurred on the month of January while the least occurred on the month of March. Majority of both male and female deaths were residents of Cavite.

Reference Period
October 2024

DEATH STATISTICS IN QUEZON: 2024 (Preliminary Results)

There were 15,403 registered deaths in Quezon for the year 2024. It recorded a decrease of 0.2 percent from the previous year’s figure of 15,439.

MARRIAGE STATISTICS IN QUEZON: 2024 (Preliminary Results)

There were 7,310 registered marriages in Quezon for the year 2024 showing a decrease of 13.0 percent from the previous year’s total of 8,399.

BIRTH STATISTICS IN QUEZON: 2024 (Preliminary Results)

The total number of live births in Quezon reported for the year 2024 was 39,763. This figure was lower by 6,498 or 14.0 percent from the previous year’s total of 46,261.