Special Release on Farmgate Price of Selected Agricultural Commodities in Laguna, First Quarter 2023 (Preliminary Results)
Farmgate price of palay in Laguna increased by 4.4% The average farmgate price of palay, other variety, dry recorded a positive growth of 4.4 percent for the first quarter of 2023 compared to the first quarter of 2022. The price slightly increased from P16.04 per kilogram to P16.74. Figure 1. Average Farmgate Price of Palay, Other Variety in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p Farmgate price of corn in Laguna increased Corngrain yellow, matured increased its farmgate price by 13.8 percent for the first quarter of 2023 compared to same period of 2022. Average price per kilogram reported in 2023 was P22.00 from the P19.33 in 2022. Green corn white also increased its price by 29.8 percent, from the P27.90 for the first quarter of 2022 to P36.22 in 2023. Figure 2. Average Farmgate Price of Corn in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p Farmgate price of lakatan and latundan in Laguna increased The average farmgate price of lakatan and latundan increased this quarter compared with the same period of 2022. Lakatan slightly increased by 10.8 percent, from P35.86/kg to P39.75/kg. In addition, latundan’s price increased by 15.0 percent, from P24.78/kg last year to P28.50/kg this year. Meanwhile, saba decreased its price by -6.9 percent, from P12.88/kg last year to P11.98/kg this year. Figure 3. Average Farmgate Price of Banana in Laguna: January to March, 2022 - 2023p Farmgate price of “pakbet” vegetables in Laguna increased “Pakbet” vegetables (ampalaya, eggplant, okra, squash, and stringbeans) posted an increase in farmgate prices in the first quarter of 2023 compared to same period of 2022. Ampalaya’s price of P41.24 from last year increased to P74.12 this year. Eggplant increased by 77.3 percent, from P31.30 last year to P55.49 this year. Also, okra increased its price by 29.1 percent, from P37.24 last year to P48.07 this year. Squash increased its price from P15.74 last year to P28.89 this year. Stringbeans posted the highest increase among the “pakbet” vegetables, with 82.9 percent (from P29.31 to P53.62 this year). Figure 4. Average Farmgate Price of “Pakbet” Vegetables in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p Farmgate price of coconut in Laguna declined A decrease in the farmgate price of coconut, both young and matured nut, was registered in the first quarter of 2023. Young nut decreased its price by -5.5 percent compared to same period last year, from P11.07/kg to P10.47. Matured nut’s average price also decreased by -20.5 percent, from last year’s P9.26/kg to this year’s P7.36/kg. Figure 5. Average Farmgate Price of Commercial Crops, Coconut in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p Farmgate price of cattle in Laguna declined, while price of hogs increased Backyard cattle for slaughter recorded a decrease in the average live weight farmgate price for the first quarter of 2023 compared to same quarter of 2022. Cattle decreased by -28.4 percent, from last year’s price of P223.31 to this year’s P160.00. In contrast, hog recorded a 34.3 percent increase, from last year’s P137.34 to this year’s P184.50. Figure 6. Average Farmgate Price of Livestock and Poultry (Backyard) in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p Farmgate price of chicken and duck egg in Laguna increased Chicken and duck egg in commercial farms both posted an increase in the average farmgate price per piece. Chicken egg increased by 38.3 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared to same period of 2022, from P5.00 to P6.91. In addition, duck egg has an 11.8 percent increase, from P7.27 last year to P8.12 this year. Figure 7. Average Farmgate Price Per Piece of Chicken and Duck Egg in Laguna: January to March, 2022 – 2023p (SGD) MAGDALENA T. SERQUEÑA Chief Statistical Specialist MCM/NBAD
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