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The total population of Quezon province (excluding Lucena City) was 1,950,459 based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH). There was an increase of 93,877 persons or 5.06 percent from the result of the 2015 Census of Population at 1,856,582.

The household population of Quezon province was 1,945,444 based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH). Males outnumbered females with recorded share of 50.8 percent and 49.2 percent, respectively. The population composition by sex was almost the same in 2015 Census of Population were 51.0 percent with males and 49.0 percent were females.

In terms  of the distribution of population by age and sex, there were more males than females in age groups 0 to 59 years in 2020, with the males comprising 51.4 percent of these age groups. In contrast, there were more females (55.7 percent) than males (44.3 percent) in the older groups 60 years old and over.

Sex Ratio stands at 103 males per 100 females 
The sex ratio in the province of Quezon was computed at 103 males for every 100 females  in 2020.  This is lower compared to the sex ratio of 104 recorded in 2015.

In 2020, children aged below 15 years had a sex ratio of 107 males for every 100 females, while those aged 15 to 64 years had a sex ratio of 105. On the other hand, for those aged 65 years and over, the sex ratio was 71 males per 100 females. This implies a higher mortality rate among males than females or a longer life expectancy among females than males in  the older age groups.

Median age increases to 24.5 
The median age in Quezon province was computed at 24.5 years, higher than the median age of 23.7 years posted in 2015. This means that half of the household population were younger than 24.5 years, while the other half were older than 24.5 years.

There are  60 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age group 
The dependency ratio in Quezon province was computed at 60, which indicates that there were 60 dependents for every 100 persons in the working-age or economically-active population. Of the total number of dependents, 51 were young dependents while 9 were old dependents.

There are more males than females among children under five years of age 
Children below five years old comprised 10.3 percent (200,888) of the household population. The sex ratio was computed at 106 males per 100 females in  2020.

About two in every five household population are of school age 
The school-age population (5 to 24 years old) accounted for 789,763 persons (40.6 percent) of the 1,945,444 household population in Quezon province (excluding Lucena City). It was lower compared to the 769,441 (41.6 percent) school-age population reported in 2015.

Of the school age population, males accounted for 51.6 percent.


Senior citizens constitute 9.0 percent of the household population     
People aged 60 years old and over are regarded as senior citizens in the Philippines. In 2020, they made up 9.0 percent (175,333) of the household population. There were more females (55.7percent) than males (44.3percent) among the senior citizens, the same trend as observed in 2015.




Less than half of the female population are of reproductive age 
Less than half of the total female population are of reproductive age. Female of reproductive age (15-49 years old), reached 473,270 or 49.5 percent of the 956,525 female household population in 2020. In 2015, females aged 15-49 years totaled 453,480.

Birth Registration in Quezon province is high 
Of a total household population of 1,945,444 in the province in 2020, there were 1,915,059 (98.4 percent) whose births were registered. Unregistered population accounted for 1.5 percent (28,433) while 0.1 percent (1,952) had births with unknown registration status.  

Both males and females recorded high birth registration rates, with 98.4 percent and 98.5 percent, respectively. A higher number of male births (14,568) than female births (13,865) remains unregistered.

More than half of the household population are single  
By marital status, 1,008,853 (51.9 percent) were single, 584,987 (30.1 percent) married, 252,995 (13.0 percent), living in a common-law or live-in arrangements, 72,984 (3.8 percent), widowed  and 25,555 (1.3 percent)  divorced/ separated/ annulled.

The percentage of single was higher among males (54.8 percent) than females (48.9 percent). Moreover, among the widowed population,  females (57,176 or 78.3 percent) outnumbered their male counterpart (15,808 or 21.7 percent).

Literacy rate is recorded at 97.4 percent 
Quezon province posted a literacy rate of 97.4 percent among the 1,744,556 household population aged 5 years old and over.   In the 2020 Census of Population and Housing, a person is considered literate if he/she is able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect.



Overseas Filipino Workers are estimated at 36 thousand 
The number of  Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)  accounted for 36,019 persons or 2.7 percent of the 1,320,945  household population  15 years old and over in Quezon province. Of the 36,019 OFWs,  17,024 were males and 18,995 were females.

Among  the household population 15 years old and over, the percentage of OFW was slightly higher among females (2.9 percent) than males (2.6 percent).  Females outnumbered males with a 0.3 percentage points difference or higher by 1,971.

Chief Statistical Specialist 
PSA Quezon


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